Small Changes Make Help Make a Big Impact in Adobe Connect 9.5


July 25, 2016

Adobe made some exciting new features available in the 9.5 release like local MP4 conversion and  HTML5 support, but they’ve also done a lot of small things that help us get more out of Connect.  Constant improvements in the things that help increase Engagement always excite us.   The video pod has been made smarter, bandwidth utilization has been considered not only in the video pod but by making bandwidth status easier to see.  These combined with some additional reporting keep helping us broaden our use of Connect, especially as a virtual classroom. 

Improved Customer Experience

In addition to the big features listed above, you’ll also notice smaller changes. For example, they’ve made the video pod smarter. The film strip mode is ideal when many people are sharing their camera. Adobe Connect now automatically optimizes the bandwidth by pausing the streams that are not visible when using the film strip mode to ensure the best use of meeting bandwidth.

Bandwidth Indicator

Speaking of bandwidth, you’ll notice the connection status icon has changed. In fact, there’s a good chance you didn’t know there was a connection status icon in Adobe Connect. It’s the light in the upper right-hand corner and it changes color and height based on the strength of your connection. With Adobe Connect 9.5, they’ve changed that to the now ubiquitous connection bars seen on most cell phones.


Adobe also added some additional reporting capabilities to this update to give customers more visibility into their accounts. The Meeting Sessions Report provides a summary of the meetings that have happened over a specified amount of time and includes details such as start/end time, duration, session type, total and peak participants.

The Meeting Usage Report provides an aggregate look at meeting activity. Customers can see the total minutes used as well as the peak concurrent users for a specific period.

We’re really pleased with the updates Adobe has made.  Email us or give us a call to schedule a demo of these fantastic features or if you’d like a demo of how to leverage HTML5 and local MP4 conversions for eLearning.

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