Staying Secure and Compliant With Cloud and Mobile
Oct 8, 2018 /
Do you know where all your organization’s digital assets are stored? Back in the day, companies could answer this question with a confident “yes!” because the answer was usually simple. It’s all in our datacenter, on our machines. But times have changed drastically, and security and compliance haven’t consistently kept up. Now, companies routinely store […]

How Costs Cascade: Why High-Consequence Tools are Essential in Financial Services
Oct 2, 2018 /
For most organizations in the financial sector, training and conferencing are considered “high consequence” activities: failures of security, regulatory compliance, and uptime could cause a lot of damage. While companies in most sectors would find security breaches and unreliability damaging to business, financial organizations operate in a unique business and regulatory environment that can compound […]

Why Won’t You Let Your Workers Learn?
Sep 24, 2018 /
From time to time, we like to survey American’s workers on all kinds of topics related to virtual training and collaboration in the workplace. Most recently, we discovered 98% of workers consider company-sponsored education important for their on-the-job training and overall professional development. Unfortunately, our latest survey suggests this deep desire to learn is all […]

E-Learning Monitoring in Real-Time: Essential for Government Agencies?
Sep 13, 2018 /
For any organization, investing in an e-learning platform can be expensive. It’s therefore critical that the results of an e-learning project be readily available to justify that cost, and inform ongoing improvement. With smaller scale non-critical deployments, the performance of a project can often be monitored fairly easily without specialized tools, and security is less […]

Think Your Training Isn’t “High-Consequence?” You Might be Surprised
Sep 12, 2018 /
The term “high-consequence” sounds serious. It brings to mind images of bunkers and intelligence agencies connecting to secure satellites and discussions of state secrets and military operations. There is no doubt that these TV drama-ready situations do exist for conferencing and training. For most organizations though, a greater concern is the high-consequence situations that aren’t […]

What Do All Our Security Certifications Tell You?
Sep 10, 2018 /
What Do All Our Security Certifications Tell You? Every year data security becomes an even bigger headache for business as large-scale security breaches continue to affect some of the world’s biggest and best known companies. When it comes to virtual training, there exists a clear threat of content either being inadvertently leaked or deliberately hacked. […]

The Most Difficult Personalities to Train (and How to Train Them)
Sep 4, 2018 /
I recently met up with a training manager friend of mine, and we got to talking about the biggest challenges she’s had in training people in the workplace. What she said stuck with me: “I don’t really have challenges training people—it’s training certain people.” Whoa. If there’s any kind of gossip to be had in […]

Beating Summer’s Dog Days of Training
Aug 28, 2018 /
Getting workers excited about virtual training can be a challenge on any day of the year. But summer always seems particularly difficult, doesn’t it? When the weather’s hot and the days are long, it’s hard enough for people to be trapped indoors let alone forced to learn. For some it may bring up painful memories […]

Come On… Is Virtual Reality Training Really Necessary for Office Workers?
Aug 23, 2018 /
If you’re like me, you’re constantly clicking on articles on how virtual or augmented reality technology is being combined with various training programs in super cool ways. There’s virtual reality education to improve rail safety for children. Virtual reality training to prepare first responders for disasters and emergencies. Virtual reality training to help police run […]

CoSo Insights 2.0 Beta Program
Aug 7, 2018 /
You are invited to our CoSo Insights 2.0 Beta Program! We’ve been working to build a new set of reports and data to help our managed service customers understand and demonstrate the value your organization derives from your CoSo Cloud implementation of Adobe Connect. With CoSo Insights 2.0, we are adding activity reports to show […]

Case Study: Powering Global Collaboration at Food Protection and Defense Institute
May 29, 2018 /
The National Center for Food Protection and Defense (NCFPD) was officially launched as a Homeland Security Center of Excellence in July 2004 at the University of Minnesota. A critical component of the nation’s food safety network, NCFPD is tasked with addressing vulnerabilities within the nation’s food system and coordinating a prompt global response to any […]