CoSo Presents at Adobe Connect Partner Summit


May 16, 2018

Last week was Adobe’s Connect Partner Summit in San Jose, CA.  It was a great event where much was learned about Connect’s product roadmap including the upcoming release of their HTML5 client which looks excellent!  Topics included business results describing the fine financial metrics that the Connect Business Unit enjoyed in 2017.  An extremely valuable session highlighted a Connect customer from one of the largest pharma companies in the world.  The Director of Learning spoke for an hour, describing their innovative use of Connect, and how it has enabled huge improvements in their training and learning initiatives.  Great speaker, relevant topics, and an exciting presentation.

Other sessions included competitive differentiation over the commodity Meeting and Web Conferencing products, Technical Support and Engineering updates, and innovative extensions and customizations allowing for greater integration with LMS, CRM, HCM, etc..

CoSo Cloud was there in force, with 10 folks attending from several different departments.  In addition, we were a featured speaker where we described not only the value to customers in managed services for Adobe Connect, but also our product roadmap and new product introductions (more on this in future newsletters or now on our website).  In addition, the Manager of GM’s franchisee training, who is a longtime Connect/CoSo Cloud customer, spoke about their innovative use of Adobe Connect which was very impressive.  One stat that stuck out is that they conducted 9 million training sessions in 2017 all conducted within Connect!

Overall it was an excellent, very well attended event that CoSo was proud to be an integral part of.


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